Thursday, August 26, 2010

Oh Shit!!!

That's right, ladies and gentlemen!!! Mason unloaded some timber in the porcelain pedestal. Boooyah! I am proud beyond words... and also a little disturbed.

Mason pooped and I started a friggin conga line, folks. But instead of singing "duh-duh duh-duh duh-DOH!" I'm screaming "Poo-poo in the pott-eh!"

I've been waiting 2 1/2 years to hear him yelling "Moooooom Im dooooone!"

Now, if only his arms were long enough to wipe his own hiney-hole.

I keep getting flash backs of "Big Daddy" - "But I wipe my own ass! I wipe my own ass!"

It's fairly hard to wipe someone elses ass... even if you are a pro at cleaning your own. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

In other news, packing up an entire house while trying to entertain a 2 year old and a 2 month old= what Hitler should have to do in hell.

Cause it sucks. Hard. Like your mom.

Also, if you are looking for a laugh, check out the video The Accidental Olympian posted of her first time tubing. I had to watch it like five times. (Ash- are you proud of me?! Look! I did the "click my words-link thingy! Genius! Thats what I am!)

Happy Thursday!


  1. Wipe from front to back. Poop on balls not cool.


    And I agree Ashley you made my friggin day with that video. I'd probably do the same thing. Scream like a bitch.

  2. The easiest time I ever had wiping Zach he stood up off the potty and then went into the total stink bug position. Not only did this make it easy.. It was extremely funny in the midst of a very serious situation.
    So ya hands and feet on gound butt in air.. think Mason would enjoy that HAHAHAHAHA

    -Jessie :)

  3. CELEB Status. Thank you for the plug.

    I am indeed, very proud.

    On another note, things I've never had to do before, wipe someone else's ass. Maybe I should add it to the Life List?

  4. Yeah Mason!! I hope he learns to wipe on his own soon, but anything has got to better than changing a diaper. Not that I've ever changed one, but I imagine it being so bad that I can not even describe how bad that would be. This is why I have a dog.
    That video was hilarious, I think tubing is fun, but that seemed sort horrific with all the blood curdling screaming.

  5. Hahaha. Moms are the best. Who would actually sing about a kid pooping in a potty except a mom? And the video was hilarious.

  6. Tell the other hole owner to grab their ankles....
    Try to not be to rough....
