Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Great Fake Post

So, Im really flattered that people keep asking me to post... really... I am. But shut up and stop it. You're giving me a complex. I have a bajillion posts started, then for some reason or another *cough*Mason-MacDaddy*cough* get side tracked, have to stop and forget to continue. Or I am writing writing writing and decide my post isnt funny enough, is too long, sounds like a Boys II Men song or will take far too long to spell check/edit. One post I started typing with an English accent.

SO... I will post more. I promise. Honestly I like being reminded... I just dont like it when I get an email saying, "Post or I will commit suicide." I don't do sob stories. I will literally not post to see how much of a backbone you have. If you don't, then, commit suicide I will lose all respect for you. How about a nice, "Hey Sandee... I know you spend the majority of your days on the toilet, since Beaver is sitting on your bladder, but maybe you can take your laptop with you while you're peeing. Thank you!"
Something like that...
Except EW! No I will not take my laptop in the bathroom. Sicko. I know you can hack into the little built in web cam. Jeez.

A real post will follow soon... I promise. Probably. Mad respect, yo.


  1. You just wait my friend. You think people sending you emails/facebook posts asking you to post is bad? Wait until you put together a video slideshow of your past year and then you get sobbing crazy phone calls from TWO of your family members about how they weren't in them which apparently means you don't love them.

    OH! Another one I like is when you're hanging out with someone and they go, "Put it on the blog! OMG put it on the blog!"

    And then there are comment trolls, but I don't have any of those yet. Guess I'm not cool enough for strangers to write mean things on my blog yet. Here's to hoping!

    I could keep going...

  2. Oooooo!!! I want comment trolls! How much fun would they be!?!?!? Trying to insult me is like trying go to college in the 90's and not end up with a gecko tattoo. Not gonna happen.

  3. You suck, Your blog sucks & your stories about Mason totally suck and you should never post anything again.
    Sincerely The Comment Troll.
