Dear Mason- Please do not open your car door while we are driving 80 mph down the freeway. Thanks, you're a doll. P.S. What is this orange stuff all over your blankee??
So, honestly? I never wanted children. I mean, I appreciate kids... probably more than most adults, and definitely more than most parents. I love the way they think and the way they live without apology. I don't, however, like being touched... or annoyed... or talked to when reading... or eating balanced meals right at meal time. Then, what do you know! I get knocked up like my parents always knew I would eventually... (then again they are Pisces and therefore have psychic like qualities...). Enter Mason. Our son, 2 years old and a real live monster of the sticky variety. Mason is......... different. Anyone who knows me knows the only kid I ever could have fallen in love with so completely would have to be straight up weird. And that's just what I got. Mason wears my thongs as necklaces. He stores his trucks in the fridge (all the better to preserve them, my dear). He marches around humming "A Pirates Life For Me" with as much dedication and conviction as Justin Timberlake singing about how he really likes women. The kid has taken my heart hostage (I think he hid it in his ball pit...). Which is why I started writing this blog. (And all you wonderful people who werent getting ehough of The Kid on facebook). He will have a real live journal of all his weirdness to peruse at his convenience. If I made a hard copy I'm quite sure it would be subject to PB&J finger paintings. So here we go into this world of blogging. Stead fast and batten down the rigging...